How to code pitch shifter 1.00 release

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mp3/wav 파일의 음정 높낮이를 수정할 수 있는 간단한 프로그램을 만들었습니다. libroso 라는 모듈로 간단하게 노래의 음정을 조절할 수 있었습니다.

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custom mp3/wav pitch shifter

👋 Introduction

Hello World!

This program uses librosa to shift mp3/wav file pitch.

Please message me with any feedback, I am happy talk :)

📑 How to Install and Run

  1. Download the pitch_shifter 3.01 zip file from the lastest published releases.
  2. After you first download the zip folder, unzip the folder in your location of choice.
  3. Then create a quick a shortcut of the pitch_shifter.exe file for access.
  4. Make sure to choose a file download destination before you start downloading files.
  5. Start downloading

    📑 Things to Note

📑 References

📑 Release Notes


  • created a GUI
  • downloads shifted mp3


  • This is an open source mp3/wav file pitch shifter made by me, Jinlee487. I will not assume any responsibility of others using this resource in any fashion.

Author: JWL

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