How to code image2text 1.00 release

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custom image transcriber 1.00

👋 Introduction

Hello World!

I created a GUI of a image text transcriber.

Please message me with any feedback, I am happy talk :)

📑 How to Install and Run

  1. Download the image2text zip file from the lastest published releases.
  2. After you first download the zip folder, unzip the folder in your location of choice.
  3. Then create a quick a shortcut of the image2text.exe file for access.
  4. Navigate to and download and install the Tesseract OCR executable. make sure to download the file at the following location: C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.
  5. Make sure to choose a file download destination before you start downloading files.
  6. Start downloading

    📑 Things to Note


📑 References

    pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract'
  except Exception as e:
    messagebox.showwarning("Warning", str(e) + "\nFailed to locate pytesseract ")
    new_file = os.path.join(destination.strip(),self.temporaryFileNameGenerator()+".txt")

    file = open(new_file, "w") 
  except Exception as e:
    messagebox.showwarning("Warning", str(e) + "\nFailed to write text file")

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