L238 Product of Array Except Self
Product of Array Except Self problem
Product of Array Except Self leetcode
class Solution {
public int[] productExceptSelf(int[] nums) {
int[] answer = new int[nums.length];
int[] left = new int[nums.length];
int leftProduct = 1;
for(int i=0;i<nums.length;i++){
left[i] = leftProduct;
leftProduct *= nums[i];
int rightProduct = 1;
for(int i=nums.length-1;0<=i;i--){
answer[i] = left[i] * rightProduct;
rightProduct *= nums[i];
return answer;
For this problem, we can create a two arrays to first multiply the values in a left order fashion then, in the right order fashion. This will give us the final array with the values multiplied without the current index. This will have a complexity of O(n) time and O(n) space.
class Solution {
public int[] productExceptSelf(int[] nums) {
int product = 1;
int countZero = 0;
for(int i=0;i<nums.length;i++){
if(nums[i]==0) countZero ++;
else product*=nums[i];
for(int i=0;i<nums.length;i++){
if(nums[i]==0 && countZero == 1) nums[i] = product;
else if(countZero>0) nums[i] = 0;
else nums[i] = product/nums[i];
return nums;
We can improve the method by learning the pattern of the output. The final values always follows a pattern. If there are more than 2 zeros, then the values will all be 0. If there is only 1 zero, then only the index with 0 value will be a non zero value. We can improve the method by learning the pattern of the output. The final values always follows a pattern. If there are more than 2 zeros, then the values will all be 0. If there is only 1 zero, then only the index with 0 value will be a non zero value. O(n) time | O(1) space
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